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A Noticeable Gain

October 2, 2023

We recently traveled for the first time since before COVID and were surprised to see the noticeable gain in weight on people in the airports. We were on our way to The Best Plant Based Conference ever to do a presentation, so our attention was on how amazing our bodies are at creating Amazing Health Effortlessly. What we were seeing was not what we were going to be talking about. I was like the bodies we were seeing were going in the opposite direction from Amazing Health. Yikes! 😳

The good news is that there are few conditions that occur in our bodies that can't be reversed with changes in our diet and lifestyle. And the conference reiterated that time and time again. We were astonished at the degree of sickness and excess weight that people reported they had recovered from. It was so inspiring!

Join us to hear more.

Those are some pretty surprising statistics, eh? 90% of the US population has a BMI (body mass index) greater than 23, that many experts consider to be overweight. And even looking at the population with BMI over 25, it's 80% of the entire population.

What shocked us most was that, of the 10% considered to have a "healthy" BMI under 23, 8% of them were smokers or suffering from a disease that kept their weight down. Essentially, only 2% of the entire population has a truly healthy BMI. And that's kind of scary when you consider all the chronic health conditions exacerbated by excess weight like high blood pressure, diabetes and so many more.

The good news, of course, is that our bodies are healing machines. We're designed to restore health when things have gotten out of balance. And that's what all the presenters were sharing at the conference. We have been given an amazing capacity to come back from nearly dead to a vibrant and fulfilling life.

But we need to give this body what it needs to do what it's designed to do. Just like we don't expect our car to work well if we put 20% diesel fuel in with the high octane gasoline it's designed to run on, why would we expect our bodies to work well if we put in anything less than the high nutrient dense whole foods our bodies evolved with? In fact, Dr. Joel Fuhrman made a laughable comment when he said, if someone eats the (SAD) Standard American Diet and doesn't gain weight, there's something wrong with them. Isn't that interesting? But it's the simple truth. If we eat excess calories of low nutrient dense food, how could our bodies maintain a healthy weight?

If you would like a free 30-minute consultation to begin a transition to the foods our bodies perform best with, just let us know in the comments section below.

The recipe this week is for Kale with Carrots and Peppers. It's one of the recipes we demonstrated in a breakout session we did at the conference and everyone loved it. It's a great way to get the high nutrient dense greens in along with the sweet tastes of the carrot and peppers. This makes a great introductory dish for people not familiar with the taste of dark greens. We added an onion to the recipe in the dish we did yesterday, so you can add that too to make it even more nutrient dense and maintain the sweetness.

To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

Greens with Carrots & Peppers (Serves 2)

  • 1 bunch kale, washed and torn in small pieces without stems
  • 1 onion, cut in half moons (optional)
  • 1 large red pepper, seeded and diced
  • 3 carrots, washed and cut in chunks
  • 1/4 cup filtered water

Add carrots, peppers, kale and filtered water to a large pan. Turn heat to medium. Stir often, and when pan is hot, cover and turn to low heat. Cook for 7 minutes or until kale is soft. Serve.