We've contributed to another Health Bundle this year and it's better than ever.
What is the Health Bundle this year and why should you be interested? Join us to learn about this tremendous value.
This is our third year of contributing to the Health Bundle. Bill wrote a cookbook titled, "The VERY Whole Food SOS-Free Cookbook" And I contributed a video series titled, "You Are A Miracle."
Bill's cookbook came together as he was experimenting with how to adjust a recipe that used nut butters, plant milk and maple syrup. He wanted to move it away from the processed ingredients, the butters, milk and syrup, and found he could throw all whole food ingredients together in a blender and get great results without the commercial processing. From there, he was on a roll.
He came up with some all-new and really fun recipes. There's a Chocolate Cherry Chickpea Brownie recipe (that he says even surprised him with how good it was), Creamed Peas & Red Peppers and a Creamy Squash Soup that are fabulous (in our biased opinion! 😎) There are 28 recipes in all.
This video series I did is about the curiosity and openness we had as children and how we can lose that as we age. Most importantly, that who we really are is what we knew so clearly as children and how we can begin to live from that again more and more.
The Bundle contains over 80 contributions about whole food plant based eating and living. There are lots of cookbooks, cooking classes, yoga and other fitness approaches, raw food recipes and much more.
The Bundle is available until March 10th. Then it is finished. Never available again (although there may be a new offering created next year.)
If you were to buy everything separately it would cost over $5,000. And you can get it all for only $49.
You can take a look at what is included by clicking on this link. If you are drawn to it, you can buy it through this same link.
We really appreciate your taking a look and thanks for buying it with our link. We learned so much from the Bundle the last 2 years and have already started learning new things this year as well. We have tried a number of the recipes from the Bundle, watched some of the videos, loved them, and plan to explore the Bundle more.
Enjoy your exploring and adding Whole Food Plant Based recipes and all the other goodies to your life.
To Your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill