Amazing Health
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Amazing Health
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MDs & PhDs
There is so much information out there about health and food that sometimes it’s more confusing than enlightening. We thought we’d share some of the MD’s that we’ve been following for years whose message and information we find consistently helpful and applicable.
Dr. Michael Greger
Physician, author of How Not to Die, international speaker and founder of NutritionFacts.org offering the latest in nutrition-based research for healthy eating.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Physician, author of Eat to Live and international speaker, he specializes in preventing and reversing disease through a WFPB approach.
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
Physician, author, international speaker, Dr. Esselstyn developed the diet advocated by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.
T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Professor Emeritus at Cornell University and author of The China Study, he specializes in the effect of nutrition on long-term health.
Dr. John McDougall
Physician, author and founder of the McDougall Program-a leading medical program that has been reversing chonic illness over 35 years
Dr. Dean Ornish
Best-selling author and creator of The Ornish Diet (in 1977), he is one of the most recognized physicians for reversing heart disease.
© 2024 Bill & Connie DeKramer