Amazing Health
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Amazing Health
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Personal Coaching
Are you wanting to let go of unwanted habits,
worry and anxiety?1
In our one-on-one coaching program we explore the role the mind plays in the choices we make and the self-talk that can hijack us and lead to habits with poor lifestyle choices.
What if stress and anxiety, including health conditions, food habits and addictions, are all signals our bodies send to wake us up to come back into balance and harmony?
What if the circumstances we feel most challenged by are an invitation to step back into the innate well being we were born with?
Join us for Personal Coaching sessions exploring the deeper nature of our challenges and how they can become a doorway into discovering the natural balance, health and resilience within us all. How we can find freedom from unnecessary stress, anxiety and unwanted habits without willpower or control.
Our one-on-one Personal Coaching and Consultation Program offers a personalized, fast track to create a healthy relationship with all areas of your life, including health, personal relationships, career or finances.
Moving at your own pace, Bill and Connie draw on their experience to provide in-depth knowledge and guidance, specifically addressing your needs.
What's Included
1-hour long coaching calls
Weekly personal, 1-hour long Zoom calls exploring the nature of your relationship with challenging areas of your life and how to find freedom from unwanted habits and behaviours.
Follow through Support
Regular access between calls through emails and text to fine tune your program and answer any questions.
1 60-minute session: $125
4-Session Package: $450
6-Session Package: $600
6-month Coach Training $2500
Also Included
Video recommendations and reading materials to deepen your understanding.
Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation
If you would like to book a coaching call with us, find a time and date below.
© 2024 Bill & Connie DeKramer