Love Thy Greens

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We've helped hundreds of people restore their health with Whole Foods, and dark leafy greens always takes centre stage in that process. Because of the wide spectrum of nutrients and benefits they offer, some WFPB doctors have even referred to them as "superfoods".

Recently a client who has had wonderful results getting off her rheumatoid arthritis medication and lost almost 50 pounds, started feeling tired and asked us what we thought. When we learned what she was eating, it clearly could use a boost in the area of dark leafy greens. She's made the change and is feeling better already.

Join us to hear more.

Something to keep in mind as we journey through this life and want to maintain a high level of health is that we're always changing. And with that our nutritional needs change. As we age, or move to another climate, or we get pregnant, we may need to adjust our diet to provide everything our new situation requires. It's important to keep listening to our bodies and fine tune our diet and lifestyle to maintain a healthy, vibrant life.

And one thing that we can never get too much of to boost our health is dark leafy greens. Dark leafy greens are vitamin rich with lots of C, E and K. They're also high in fibre, so they support our gut health in ways that are important for strong immunity.

They're anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis. And they're loaded with cancer fighting nutrients. That's a reason in itself to eat lots of them. Research also shows them being associated with slower age-related cognitive decline.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has referred to them as "superfoods" and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn recommends 6 servings each day.

Maybe that's because research has shown that there is no threshold limit with these foods. What that means is that the more you eat, the more benefit you receive. Some foods, like mushrooms for example, have great beneficial effects too, but eating more than about 1/3 cup a day doesn't increase the benefits.

Here's a list of greens to choose from:

  • Kale, all varieties
  • Cabbage
  • Collards
  • Bok choy and Tatsoi
  • Mustard greens
  • All lettuces except iceberg
  • Arugula
  • All micro-greens and especially broccoli sprouts
  • Napa cabbage
  • Turnip and radish greens
  • Swiss chard
  • Spinach
  • Beet greens

Note that the last three, Swiss chard, spinach and beet greens are high in oxalic acid that can reduce the absorption of minerals like calcium from the food and also bind with minerals in our bodies and carry them out, reducing the available minerals we need. Although they are all equally rich in the beneficial micro-nutrients of all dark leafy greens, it's good to go sparingly with these.

The bottom line for us is "Love Thy Greens". It's almost like a commandment around our house. 😊 🥬

To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

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Quick Black Bean Soup (Serves 4) *Adapted from Mary McDougall

  • 3 - 15-ounce cans Black Beans (no oil or salt added is best), drained
  • 1¾ cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup mild salsa
  • ¼ teaspoon chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons or to taste hot sauce (Optional)
  • Optional Additions:
  • ½ cup cilantro or parsley, leaves only
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 small red or orange peppers, diced

Drain beans and add 2 cans to a high-speed blender. (Set aside the 3rd can)

Add the vegetable broth and salsa to the beans and process until creamy.

Pour into a saucepan and add the 3rd can of beans as well as the chili powder and hot sauce. This is the Quick version of the soup that Mary McDougall provides.

(Next add the cilantro, tomatoes and peppers if you decide to use them.)

Cook gently over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Serve with a large portion of dark greens and veggies. Can also be served over whole grains or baked potatoes.