Quick & Easy Bean Burgers

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Burgers are one of the most popular comfort foods out there, aren't they? In my family, we grew up with them as being something of a treat, and that still lingers in my memory. So, when we went Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) years ago, they went off the table, unless you wanted something that tasted like cardboard. 😊

But we've come a long way since the 80s, and there are lots of fabulously delicious WFPB burger recipes out there now. We've had one we love for years, but it's a two step process, so takes some time to make. We always made lots of them at one go and froze them so they were available at a moments notice, but we've been looking for something we liked as much, only quicker and easier to make... and we found it.

Join us to hear more.

So why bean burgers over traditional hamburgers made from beef? Well, beans have less cholesterol (none in fact), less fat (12 times less fat with virtually no saturated fat), they're high in complex carbohydrates (the best form of energy food for us) where beef has none, and lots of fibre to feed a healthy microbiome, while beef has none.

Calorie for calorie beans and beef have about the same amount of protein, but animal protein tends to be more acidic and inflammatory. This inflammatory nature, along with the cholesterol, saturated fat and no fibre of beef, are all markers of dietary intake that lead to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis that are so prevalent today.

Put all that together with the fabulous taste of these burgers and it's a no-brainer for us to choose these bean burgers.

And let's be honest, for us the burger is as much a reason to put the wonderful tastes of mustard, ketchup, onion, tomato, pickles and lettuce all together in one bite as anything else. It's a taste sensation!

Let us know if you have any questions or what you think of them in the comments section below.

To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

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Quick & Easy Bean Burgers

  • 15 ounce can Kidney beans, well drained
  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup oat flour
  • ¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon salsa
  • 2 tablespoons Sriracha or hot sauce
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder


  • 1 Jalapeno diced fine
  • ½ red pepper diced

In a food processor add the beans, rolled oats and oat flour. Pulse until well mixed, You can still have chunks of beans in the mix.


Put the mixture in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Stir and mix well.


In a non-stick pan on medium heat make 4 large burgers. Cook 4-5 minutes until nice and brown. Turn and cook another 4-5 minutes.


Use lettuce leaves as your bun or whatever you prefer. Top with mustard, ketchup, pickles, onion and tomato or your preferred condiments.