We usually don't consider being selfish a positive trait, but Dr. Batiste uses this as an acronym for a very healthy state. Rip Esselstyn recently interviewed him for his PlantStrong podcast and got the explanation for the acronym at the end of the interview. You can hear that part here:
So, there you have it. It makes sense, doesn't it?
S - Spiritual
E - Exercise
L - Love
F - Food
I - Intimacy
S - Sleep
H - Humour
If we take each aspect of the SELFISH acronym to heart, we are being selfish in that we're caring deeply for ourselves, but definitely not from the lack of consideration of others. In fact, by ensuring our greatest health and vitality we have so much more to give to others. Maybe this kind of SELFISH is like putting on our oxygen mask before helping someone else with theirs.
The recipe this week is a Chocolate (Sweet Potato) Pudding. It's made with Sweet Potatoes, Dates and Cacao with a little stevia. Amazingly wholesome with no sugar spike and totally delicious. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

Chocolate (Sweet Potato) Pudding (Serves 4)
- 1½ cups sweet potato purée
- 2 cups date paste (see instructions below)
- ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia
- 1/3 cup cacao powder
- Optional: 1 ripe banana (this makes the pudding less stiff, more like a custard)
Boil or bake (in a covered dish to keep them moist) enough sweet potatoes and/or yams to make enough for 1½ cups puréed.
Put the cooked sweet potatoes in a food processor and purée. Take 1½ cups of the sweet potatoes out and put the remaining purée into a tub to eat plain later. Add the 1½ cups of purée back into the food processor along with the date paste, stevia, cacao powder and banana (if using it). Process well.
You can serve it warm as it is or refrigerate it to enjoy later.
This recipe can also make a nice, stiff chocolate icing for Monkey Muffins or bars or cakes by reducing the date paste to 1 cup and adding another ¼ teaspoon of liquid stevia. Do not use the banana.
Date Paste
- 2 cups dates, pitted
- 2 cups filtered water
Add both ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend on high for 1 minute.
NOTE: This may make more than the 2 cups needed for the recipe above. Store any extra in a jar in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.