The Promised Land

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The Promised Land has always been a Biblical reference to me. But last week I was reading something by Marianne Williamson along the lines of what if we didn't drag our past into the promised land of each new day? When I read the words "promised land" there I immediately thought of the stories I had heard in church as a kid, but this time it wasn't about Moses leading his people out of bondage to the promised land.


When I read it in the context of the promised land of each new day, I saw the story of being led out of bondage to a place of beauty and abundance as a metaphor. And I realized that I had been experiencing this metaphor for some time. I saw how when a negative mood or emotion shifted as my thinking shifted, I was being "delivered" into the promised land.


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It's amazing to me, miraculous you might say, how my feelings and experience can change from anger and contempt to love and joy in a second when I don't drag an old story of how life should be different than it is into what's happening in that moment.

It's so eye-opening to experience a sudden change like that because for so long I believed that my feelings of anger or upset were justified... by the story I was telling myself. And because I felt justified, I'd drag that story forward for days sometimes.

Now when I let go of that story and open to "what is" in that moment, I always find myself calmer and more content. I find myself in the promised land. And that has made a big difference in my life. It can also make a big difference in whether I'm turning to food to deal with an upset or other feelings I don't like.

So, here's the question for today, what if the promised land is only a thought away?

What does your promised land look like? Is it the "perfect" set of circumstances, or is it a state of being on the inside?

The recipe this week is Asian Greens. A subtle ginger flavored greens dish that is a great compliment to any grain or bean main meal.

To Your Amazing Health,

Connie and Bill

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Asian Greens (serves 2-4) *adapted from Mary McDougall

  • 2 large bunches kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, or a combination including some cabbage

Asian Dijon Dressing:

  • ¼ cup Coconut Aminos
  • ¼ cup rice vinegar
  • ¼ cup filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1-inch piece fresh ginger

Chop the greens and add to a large pot with about ¼ cup filtered water, or a little more. Bring to a boil and then cover and turn to low heat.

Cook, stirring occasionally, until wilted (about 5 to 7 minutes).

Drain and toss with Asian Dijon Dressing.

While the greens are cooking, add all the dressing ingredients to a high-speed blender and process until smooth (45 seconds to 1 minute).

NOTE: The greens mixed with the dressing are great chilled for serving later.