We were talking with a client recently who had some concerns about providing for herself. She's a very accomplished person, raised 7 children, has a Master's degree and a number of other certifications, is very talented, outgoing and generous. But, the problem is, her husband has always "brought home the bacon." And that, at times, has her feeling less than and wondering if she could provide without him.
Isn't it interesting how the fact that she's never had a position with a large salary leads her to think at times that she can't provide for herself. And this can be distressing.
Well, it opened a wonderful conversation about who is the ultimate provider when we come right down to it? Is her husband the provider, or is there an even larger intelligence that's at work through him that ensures she has what she needs?
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We love seeing how, when we zoom out and look at our lives, we can see that so much of what has been provided has been way beyond our ability to make happen. Like, how did we meet our spouse or best friend? Could we have orchestrated that? And look at how much that has provided us. Or, going even farther, how is it that we have all the oxygen we need to survive? Could we even begin to orchestrate that?
More and more it's been looking to us like when we engage in life from the nudging and knowings to express our unique gifts and talents, we enjoy our lives and everything we need seems to be available.
I know that may sound a bit naive and maybe even ignorant, but when we look at nature, it looks like that's how the system works. If, in a forest, strawberries do what they're there to do, and the trees do what they're there to do, both the strawberries and the trees seem to have everything they need, from each other and from all the other plants, animals and organisms in the forest.
It looks like when everything does it's little bit in nature, being itself and contributing from its unique gifts and talents you might say, then nature has all the resources it needs to provide everything everything needs.
For us as humans, I think the trick is not believing that what gives us our worth and ensures we have what we need comes by comparing ourselves to others, with different gifts and talents, and dismissing our own.
I think Albert Einstein was referring to something like this when he said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
We want to encourage you to be yourself. Listen to your wisdom. And enjoy Life.
The recipe this week is a delicious Kabocha Squash Curry. Kabocha squash is our favourite squash. Rich, sweet, with a deep, dense flavour, it makes a great base for this curry. And the skin is edible, which increases not just the flavour and texture, but the nutrient density as well.
To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

Kabocha Squash Curry (Serves 6)
- 1 large onion, diced
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 2-inch piece of ginger, minced
- 1 cup vegetable stock or filtered water
- 1 medium Kabocha squash, seeded and cut in cubes, no need to peel
- 2 carrots, cut in rounds
- 1 - 28 ounce can garbanzo beans including liquid (Eden brand is salt free)
- 3 tablespoons diced red pepper
- ½ teaspoon turmeric
- ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
- pinch red pepper flakes
- 1 tablespoon curry paste
- 1 lime, juiced
- 2 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut
- 1½ cups cashew milk (see recipe below)
- 4 cups baby spinach
- Optional: 3 tablespoons cilantro, chopped (as garnish)
In a large pan add vegetable stock or filtered water, onion, garlic and ginger. Cook on low heat until onions are soft.
Add squash, carrots, garbanzo beans with the bean liquid, and red peppers. Cook until squash and carrots are soft.
Add spices, curry paste, lime, unsweetened coconut, 1½ cups cashew milk and spinach. Stir well and let cook on low heat until greens wilt.
Serve and garnish with cilantro (if using it).
Cashew Milk
- 1 cup raw cashews
- 1 ½ cups filtered water
Blend ingredients in a high-speed blender for 30 to 60 seconds. Use 1½ cups of milk in Curry dish. Save the rest in a glass jar in refrigerator or make into a nut dressing for salads and greens. Check out the nut dressings on our website: amazinghealtheffortlessly.com.